Way To Go, Concierge Medicine + TeleMedicine!

To expand revenue streams and boost patient care, more doctors are considering incorporating telemedicine and concierge medicine business models. Many organisations are discovering that educating patients about the advantages of telemedicine as a cost-effective, hassle-free care delivery model is the most effective way to boost adoption rates.

Patients with smartphones will book same-day appointments for minor and major ailments. Doctors have discovered that telemedicine allows them to collaborate with colleagues and experts in the cloud to make quicker, more precise decisions - even life-saving decisions, such as detecting symptoms of a stroke or impending heart attacks during simulated patient interactions.

What are the benefits of TeleMedicine?

Patients can get quicker appointments via telemedicine, which are mostly available right away or the same day as the initial order. Without having to fly to an office or clinic, physicians can spend quality one-on-one time with patients and personalise health care.

Doctors will now have problem-focused appointments for everything from drug renewal follow-ups to extremely complex cases involving multiple medical conditions and multiple providers. Using a safe digital interface, virtual communication makes it easier to address possible drug contraindications with all providers.

Patients may contact their trusted doctor from anywhere, at any time, including when on business or holiday. When one of the doctors is out of town, there is no need to see another. Non-emergency conditions such as colds, dermatitis, ear pain, and other minor ailments may also be treated with a brief virtual visit rather than waiting for an office visit.

Physicians can track at-risk patients using technology, and patients can regulate blood pressure, glucose levels, and other health indicators from the comfort of their own homes.

A dual approach is provided by telemedicine and concierge medicine. Any time a patient has a concern, they should talk with and see a trusted doctor. Although virtual visits do not allow doctors to listen to the heart or lungs or take a throat swab, they may help doctors make an educated decision about when to order a patient visit. When an in-person appointment is the best option, concierge medicine ensures patients have access to a reliable network of providers. The combination is easy, inexpensive, and offers the quality of care that patients need to build trust.

More than 15 million Americans used remote health care services in 2016. According to the American Telemedicine Association, the numbers are increasing. Telemedicine interactions are the wave of the future, and it has arrived.

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