What is the Purpose of Being Healthy?

Health is related to political stability, financial security, and social power, according to a 2001 study by the Council on Foreign Relations. People who are safe contribute to the nation's stability. According to the survey, the average Russian male can expect to live to be 58 years old. This, in essence, places enormous strain on his own family and the country as a whole by depleting human resources. Focus on personal considerations if the "good of the country" isn't enough of a justification to be safe.


To Stay Away From Pain and Disease

People often associate "good" with "disease-free." One of the most compelling factors to live a healthier lifestyle is this. Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and respiratory conditions are also considered unhealthy. It also entails solid bones, stable joints, and clear vision. The vast majority of human illnesses can be avoided by altering one's lifestyle.

To have a better time in life

Scientists are yet to discover the secret to living longer. Nobody can predict how long you will live, whether it be due to a balanced lifestyle, less stress, or simply genetics. Sure, taking care of your health will help you avoid illness and increase your energy levels, but that may not be the ultimate objective. You will improve the quality of life by keeping yourself safe. You'll have more energy to go hiking, participate in your favourite sport, or take your dog for a stroll. A balanced mind means less tension and more opportunities to appreciate the things and people you care about. If you've always wanted to travel after you retire, staying healthy will not only give you more years to do so, but it will also increase your chances of making the most of each journey.

To Achieve Your Objectives

If you want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or get a promotion at work, staying healthy will help you achieve your goals. More energy at work, enhanced memory and attention span, and even a better mood are all benefits of good health. Both of these characteristics will assist you in advancing your career. If you have a lofty target in mind, such as completing a marathon, the importance of staying safe becomes even more apparent.

To Save Cash

It is not inexpensive to become ill. In 2009, GE teamed up with Seed Visualization to display a series of graphs depicting the cost of being sick in the United States. A 58-year-old diabetic, for example, would spend around $7,667 on healthcare per year. If he has insurance, the insurer will cover around $6,390 of the cost, leaving him with a $1,200 out-of-pocket expense. When there is no insurance, the patient bears the entire financial responsibility.


To be healthy and stay fit at home only by consulting a doctor. You can book your online appointment with doctor and consult with expert doctors about health related issues.